Naporian Adventure / Fighter Guild Building / Landmark in Toril | World Anvil
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Naporian Adventure / Fighter Guild

Your one stop shop for action, adventure, excitement... and of course FIGHTS!

  Test your skills, and earn some gold in the process!
Stop in any time to check out our ever growing list of tasks, bounties, and all manner of other requests!


A fairly large guildhall with a section in the front right serving the needs of Adventurer's, a fighting ring in the back (along with rest areas and practice equipment), a meeting/dining hall to the left for adventurers and fighters alike to discuss and brag about their latest exploits.   The adventurer's section has job boards as well as a help desk for those with questions or who wish to turn in their completed assignments and receive payment.


Guild Clerk - Gwylla Turnig


The heads of many a fearsome creature decorate the walls; trophies of successful hunts past.
Alternative Names
A/F Guild
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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