Naporia Settlement in Toril | World Anvil
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Capital city of the island nation of Cyradon.


Naporia is primarily inhabited by, and governed by, humans. However, as the Capital city of Cyradon, it serves as a sort of melting pot and all manner of civilized races are welcome.   The circular city is divided into different sections based on wealth class, with the wealthier citizens residing in the west, the "middle class" residing in the north east, and the poorer citizens residing in the south. A 25-foot wall runs from the Southwest outer wall to the center of the city, separating the upper class area from the slums.   Citizens typically stay within the section of Naporia in which they live, however no formal laws exist that would prevent any citizen from entering any other part of the city (i.e. residents of the slums are technically allowed in the wealthier areas of West Naporia)


Naporia's main defense is a 40-foot Stone wall encircling the city, with 3 heavily guarded gates as the only ingress/egress points in the East, South, and West.

Guilds and Factions

Naporia has local chapters of a Mage's guild, a combination Adventurer's Guild/Fighter's guild, as well as a lesser known thieve's guild run by the Zhentarim .


The largest human settlement on Cyradon, Naporia is still a relatively tiny city when compared to a place such as Waterdeep. The city is set at the base of the Hygarn Mountains on the west side of the island.

Natural Resources

Wood and Stone from the forested mountains North of the city. Abundant farm lands in the grasslands to the East, South, and West.


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