Verdant Guard Organization in Toriel | World Anvil

Verdant Guard

The Verdant Guard are the armored defenders of Syngorn and its surrounding forests.   Within the city of Syngorn, the guard is stationed at Beryl Keep and commanded by Verdant Lord Celindar. The total forces number five thousand, with many headquartered in the city, other stationed various outposts throughout the Traveler's Dream Forest, and still others stationed in the Feywild. In addition to typical policing and military duties, the Verdant Guard serve as protectors of the Emerald Citadel.    


As representatives of the authorities, you gain the following perks.  
  • Armory. You can purchase nonmagical weapons and armor at a 20 percent discount at a facility associated with the barracks your associated with. You can buy Magic items, but you receive no discount.
  • Official Access. Your rank in the military force grants you access to places that are off limits to civilians. With your commander’s permission, you can enter dangerous training grounds or military installations, like an army’s regional headquarters or a repository of top-secret intelligence. You can also request that your commander grant you authority to act in their name or provide access to experts or leaders higher in the chain of command.
  • Orders. You undertake your missions at the direction of a commanding officer, who expects your absolute obedience. These missions have clear and precise goals, leading you on the path of adventure. In rare cases, you’re trusted with open-ended tasks that afford you leeway in interpreting orders.
  • Salary. Each member of your group earns a regular salary or share of the military force’s spoils. The amount varies depending on your organization and your position within it, but at minimum you enjoy a modest lifestyle. You receive a small salary (as little as 1 sp per day) and food and housing on a military base. Or you receive 1 gp per day but rely on that money for room and board. With higher rank comes higher pay. As an officer, you maintain a comfortable lifestyle.

Notable members

Basic Information

Base of operations
Baryl Keep in Syngorn
Verdant Lord Celindar


Military, Army

Cover image: Farewell by Greg Rutkowski
Character flag image: Wardens of Syngorn


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