Oyaminartok Character in Toriel | World Anvil

Oyaminartok (oh-yaw-meh-NAR-tock)

Spirit of the North

Goliath legends speak of a creature that prowls the far reaches of Blanmistral Plains , known as Oyaminartok the Winter Walker. She can take the form of either a polar bear or a hulking, bipedal shape obscured by wind and blowing snow. Elders invoke her name to keep young goliaths from wandering too far from home before they’re ready. Adult goliaths sometimes encounter this legendary individual in their travels to the far-flung corners of the dale. If they flee like cowards, Oyaminartok laughs and lets them go to wander in obscurity. If they challenge Oyaminartok to a fight, the Winter Walker smiles and tests their mettle.


This spirit of the north possesses very little power compared to other spirits, it wanders in the blizzard and snow of the north, and provides help to those seeking shelter in the cold region. Few goliath try to challenge the spirit, but those who impress her with their fighting skills are blessed and become goliath werebears — goliaths who carry Oyaminartok’s blessing and are uncapable of propagating the curse of lycanthropy. Oyaminartok is not a monster but a force of good in the region, and she passes her blessing only to goliaths whose hearts are pure.
  Oyaminartok try to help creatures she come across, for the weather and the geography of the northen part of the Ice-peak Concord can be brutal. They know the safest routes across the tundra, and they can help guide travelers through the Sea of Moving Ice and across its ever-shifting ice floes. These polar werebears attack evil in the wilderness, but they steer clear of camps and settlements. Fire is Oyaminartok’s bane, and thus she and her kind are wary around hearths and open flames.


(Spirit of the North)

Winter Walker
Spirit of the north
Neutral Good

Cover image: Farewell by Greg Rutkowski


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