Order of the Flower Organization in Toriel | World Anvil

Order of the Flower

The Order of the Flower is a religious knightly order established in 268 AD with significant presence in the Duchy of Buchais. The primary purposes of the Order are to defend the Duchy of Buchais from evil, to be the swords and shields of the Duchy, and to protect the duke. They also serve as a police force.
  The order also keeps the cities and surrounding travel routes safe from the threat of wild monsters and maintains order. Previously, Defending those routes extended to killing monsters for free, but nowadays the order has less time to do that.
by Ilker Serdar Yildiz





As representant of the authorities, you gain the following perks.
    • Armory. You can purchase nonmagical weapons and armor at a 20 percent discount in armorer, and smith in the Duchy of Buchais when presenting your symbol of the order. You can buy Magic items, but you receive no discount.
    • Chain of Command. You are part of a hierarchy that provides you with orders. If you cause trouble in your own nation, you answer to your officers, not local law enforcement.
    • Official Access. Your rank in the military force grants you access to places that are off limits to civilians. With your commander’s permission, you can enter dangerous training grounds or military installations, like an army’s regional headquarters or a repository of top-secret intelligence. You can also request that your commander grant you authority to act in their name or provide access to experts or leaders higher in the chain of command.
    • Orders. You undertake your missions at the direction of a commanding officer, who expects your absolute obedience. These missions have clear and precise goals, leading you on the path of adventure. In rare cases, you’re trusted with open-ended tasks that afford you leeway in interpreting orders.
    • Salary. Each member of your group earns a regular salary or share of the military force’s spoils. The amount varies depending on your organization and your position within it, but at minimum you enjoy a modest lifestyle. You receive a small salary (as little as 1 sp per day) and food and housing on a military base. Or you receive 1 gp per day but rely on that money for room and board. With higher rank comes higher pay. As an officer, you maintain a comfortable lifestyle.


The Order was formed in 268 AD with help of the noble house Gunnhildr and the Dark Lanterns. The order was first sawn as an elite troop, and Attaining membership required the donation of 1,000 gp to the Order's trasury.
  After the death of the first grandmaster, a charismatic leader known as Albert Lioncrown pinned up his cloak and went through with major reforms that directed the brotherhood to help with upholding law, maintaining peace, ensuring survival of the people of the Duchy of Buchais, protecting the people from monsters and other evils without demanding coin.

Notable members

Basic Information

Base of operations
In the Duchy of Buchais
Jean Gunnhildr


Military, Knightly Order


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