Lucan Harrow Character in Toriel | World Anvil

Lucan Harrow

The man calling himself Lucan is a dashing, bold character with a personality as colorful as his wardrobe is colorless. He claims that he is in town on business, but is rarely seen conducting it, instead spending his days in various taverns, flaunting his storytelling talents and penchant for buying drinks. In the revelry that follow him, he keeps an open ear for rumors - anything regarding far-off places, long-lost ruins, or magical artifacts.   Every so often, Lucan will disappear, for days, weeks even months on end. When he returns, he is invariably followed by a cart of valuables. Antiquities, artifacts, and enchantments number among the goods he returns to Nìmloth to sell. In truth, this mysterious man is a collector of sorts. He seeks ancient relics, long ago lost from the grasp of the Shadow Monarch, an enigmatic creature from the shadowfell. By her power, he flits through the veil between worlds. His actions may seem rakish, brash, even impulsive at times, but they all serve his patron's darker purposes...

Lucan Harrow

Chaotic Neutral
Year of Birth
930 AD 206 Years old

Cover image: Farewell by Greg Rutkowski
Character Portrait image: by Cherry-gig


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