Lizardfolk Species in Toriel | World Anvil


Only a fool looks at the lizardfolk and sees nothing more than scaly humanoids. Their physical shape notwithstanding, lizardfolk have more in common with iguanas or dragons than they do with humans, dwarves, or elves. Their dismal swamp homes might lie hundreds of miles from the nearest human settlement, but the gap between their way of thinking and that of the smooth-skins is far greater. Mostly located in the northern swamp and marsh of the Green earth, the lizardfolk are many, the various tribe regrouping similar-looking individuals. From the crocodile-like folk, the bulky and massive Balcksacle, and the small and cunning Poison dusk, the lizardfolk are various and dangerous.   At their core, lizardfolk view other humanoids with an indifference verging on pity. Born into the world lacking stout scales and sharp teeth, it’s a wonder they have managed to survive for so long. The typical human would barely make it through a day in the swamps.   Their primal nature and feeding habits cause them to be feared by common folks.  


Physical features

The typical lizardfolk is tall, covered in scales. A typical lizardfolk female is distinguished from a man by voice timbre and being slightly shorter.   Their physiology is entirely different from that of mammalian humanoids. On top of being cold blooded, medics of other races have to study lizardfolks for years to even operate on them.  


Lizardfolk are a race of reptilian humanoids that are characterized by their scaly skin, sharp teeth, and powerful tails. They are known for their hardy and resilient biology, which allows them to thrive in a wide range of environments, from swamps and marshes to deserts and mountains.   One of the most notable characteristics of lizardfolk biology is that they lay eggs. Unlike mammals, who give birth to live young, lizardfolk reproduce by laying eggs. These eggs are typically laid in a nest and left to incubate on their own, with the parents providing no further care.   This method of reproduction is well-suited to the harsh environments that lizardfolk typically inhabit. Since the eggs are laid in a nest and left to incubate, lizardfolk parents don't have to expend a lot of energy caring for their offspring. Additionally, since the eggs are left to hatch on their own, the hatchlings are able to fend for themselves from a young age, which helps to ensure their survival.   The process of hatching is particular to each clan of lizardfolk, some burrow their eggs underground, others leave them in a nest on trees, or on the top of a hill.   Lizardfolk eggs are also known to be quite durable, able to survive in harsh conditions such as extreme temperatures or being submerged in water. This is another adaptation that helps to ensure the survival of the lizardfolk species.   Overall, the biology of lizardfolk is well-suited to their environment, with the ability to lay eggs being one of the most notable and unique characteristics of this reptilian race.  

Mental traits

Lizardfolk are calm and cool-headed, much less emotional than other humanoids. Members of the race are startled by the human passion for cruelty, though it's alleged that they lack compassion.  


Lizardfolk tends to have personal names given at birth, but they put their clan names first as a mark of honor.   Clan Names: Mesan-Kahn, Kural-Skatuch, Crocnez

General Information
Scientific name
Homo Lacertilia
Geographic Distribution
Marsh north of green earth,
north of Calames jungle
Average Lifespan
80 years
Average Height
1.8–2.1 m
Average Weight
90.7–113 kg


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