Fairy Species in Toriel | World Anvil


The Feywild is home to many fantastic peoples, including fairies. Fairies are a wee folk, but not nearly as much so as their pixie and sprite friends. The first fairies spoke Elvish, Goblin, or Sylvan, and encounters with Human visitors prompted many of them to learn Common as well.   Infused with the Magic of the Feywild, most fairies look like Small elves with insectile wings, but each fairy has a special physical characteristic that sets the fairy apart.   Fairies are part of the Faeris, a group that includes sprites, pixies, and fairies themselves. Fairies are taller than their cousins and closer in size to halflings, which is the result of their evolutionary process. They evolved from pixies and sprites, growing larger due to their increasing interest in worldly matters.   Similar to other Faeris, fairies possess magical abilities and often adhere to simple superstitions and belief systems.  


With the Seasonal Dream ensuring a shared foundation among the Faeris, they cherish individual experiences as a means of cultivating uniqueness. They possess an innate eagerness to learn, explore, and gain understanding.   Upon emerging, Faeris are guided by elder members of their species to comprehend their dreams, understand their history, and gain a clear understanding of the world.   Despite the initial knowledge gained from the dream, they often appear naive, as certain matters remain beyond their comprehension. Emotions and tact, in particular, can be challenging for them to grasp. Their understanding of Death is also incomplete, viewing it as something to be embraced with a great degree of curiosity. This acceptance and fascination with death may be perceived as unsettling by other races.   While all born from the World Tree, the sense of familial bond among the Faeris is not as strong as in other families. Many Faeris consider others as distant relatives, with a few exceptions such as twins born from the same pod or those who share dreams, which may also result in romantic relationships.   Romance is practiced among the Faeris without regard to gender. For a Faeris, love is seen as spiritual and eternal, transcending physical form and contact. Sexuality is viewed as a natural part of life, and as long as it is entered into with goodwill and joy, gender holds no significance.   Faeris craft their armor and weapons using organic materials such as roots, leaves, or leather. They sometimes even grow armor from their own bodies in the form of leafy padding, spines, or bark.  

Last rites

The Faeris are born from the World Tree and share a collective soul with the great entity. Upon their demise, it is customary to transport their bodies to the foundation of the World Tree. There, the body gradually melds with the tree, completing a process of reintegration into the essence of the World Tree.   Among the Faeris, a childhood tale suggests that those who lack the opportunity to be brought back to the world tree after their demise are reborn as Campestris, growing on the branches of the world tree. A saying has emerged from this belief: "A Campestris' death," signifying an unceremonious and unremarkable demise.  


Physical description

Fairy are fey creature, embodiment of emotion and chaos, their appearance wildly vary from an individual to another. Their wings often resemble that of a bird or an insect, their ears are often pointy and long, their skin are varied in color, and can be shimmering, their leg can be that of an insect, they can have horns similar to a unicorn.  


Faeris do not experience natural aging. As long as the World Tree stands, they can live indefinitely. However, their belief that they are all reincarnations of the World Tree spirit leads them to engage in daring experiments, even at the risk of their lives.  


The bone structure of Faeris is composed of hard wood, and their wings often resemble insect wings or leaves. Instead of blood, golden sap flows through their veins, as they lack hearts.  


Fairies, as a general rule, exhibit a preference for same-sex relationships. However, this does not impede their reproduction, as they do not reproduce in the conventional way. Like their cousins, fairies are closely connected to the feywild and nature. When a fairy dies, a new fairy, sprite, or pixie emerges from a plant called a "pow blossom."   These pods are referred to as Pow Blossom, which are magical flowers that enable shared dreams and dream travel when consumed.   Faeris emerge fully formed from golden or cyan fruit pods that grow on the branches of the World Tree. The gender of a Faeris is determined by the World Tree before their emergence and is distinguished by similar characteristics to human genders. Although they can engage in mating and sexual activities, they are unable to reproduce.   Unlike other beings, Faeris do not possess their own unique soul but share a collective soul with the World Tree. Consequently, when they pass away, they are reborn as Faeris as long as the World Tree remains standing, without reincarnation into other planes.   Before emerging from their pods, Faeris share a bond known as the Seasonal Dream through the World Tree. In this dream, the growing Faeris is exposed to the consciousness of the World Tree and the accumulated knowledge of all previous Faeris. Upon emergence, a portion of this knowledge remains with them, providing them with basic wisdom and understanding from the World Tree, as well as a fraction of the experiences of other Faeris. However, specific memories are rarely included. After emerging, the bond with the World Tree weakens, but it still connects all Faeris.   It is possible for Faeris to have physical disabilities when they emerge from their pods, such as being mute or blind if the fae inside the pod was injured before emergence.  
Fairies, born from the World Tree, possess unique sustenance needs distinct from other creatures. They rely on light for their survival and vitality, unable to endure more than a few days without sunlight before feeling their forces wane.   Additionally, fairies have a preference for syrup and other sugary cocktails, although they do not digest alcohol. Some fairies, however, are known to consume mushrooms with hallucinogenic properties or indulge in relaxing herbs.  

Mental traits

While the arrival of visitors piques their curiosity, fairies are too shy to reveal themselves at first. They study the visitors from afar to gauge their temperament or play harmless tricks on them to measure their reactions. For example, fairies might tie a Dwarf’s boots together, create illusions of strange creatures or treasures, or use dancing lights to lead interlopers astray. If the visitors respond with hostility, the fairies give them a wide berth. If the visitors are good natured, the fairies are likely to be emboldened and more friendly. The fey might even emerge and offer to guide their “guests” along a safe route or invite them to a tiny yet satisfying feast prepared in their honor.   Fairy make friends easily and readily, and once you've earned their trust and friendship it can be difficult to lose it. Unfortuantely this has lead in some cases to pixies being exploited by more conniving of the larger folk, but anyone who would think to try such dastardly deeds should reconsider. Once the limits of their tolerance and patience has worn thin, pixies can be vengeful and terrifying. Those who anger a fairy often feel the wrath of her entire tribe. Doom awaits those who underestimate or exploit these fluttering fey.  


Fairy names tend to echo the nature they see around them in nature and often sound like the literal translation of elven names. There's no distinction between male and female names among pixies, but those that interact with more terrestrial folk often catch on if their name gets them funny looks and adopt a nickname or monicker to prevent awkwardness.   Fairy names: Amber, Ambrosia, Arbor, Azalea, Blaze, Blossom, Bourbon, Briar, Celosia, Chicory, Chrysanthemum, Clover, Coral, Daisy, Dewdrop, Fleur, Galanthus, Garance, Ginger, Graham, Hardy, Harmony, Hawthorn, Hazel, Heather, Holland, Holly, Hyacinth, Indigo, Iris, Ivy, Jacinta, Jasmine, Laurel, Lavender, Lilac, Lily, Magnolia, Meadow, Mimosa, Nanala, Oleand, Ombre, Orchid, Perry, Poppy, Posey, Rhodes, Rose, Scilla, Thorn, Veronica, Violet, Willow, Zenobia

General Information

Scientific name
Faeus nonaglacies
Geographic Distribution
Common, Elvish, Sylvan  


Average Lifespan
100 years
Average Height
0.6 m
Average Weight
11 kg  



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