Durnehviir Character in Toriel | World Anvil


"My claws have rended the flesh of innumerable foes, but I have never once been felled on the field of battle."
— Durnehviir
In a distant time, Durnehviir studied Necromancy, his search for greater power led him to Hades, where he made a pact that imprisoned him in this plane.  


Physical features

Durnehviir is unique in appearance and does not appear to be of any breed of Dragon previously encountered. His body bears a resemblance to Black Dragons, with four horns sprouting from his head. Massive protrude spikes from the back of his neck and extend down to his tail.   As a shadow dragon in a lower plane, Durnehviir's flesh is greatly decayed and his wings look extremely weathered. He is black-dark grey in complexion, and his scales are constantly dripping and oozing a black shadowy smoke.  

Mental traits

Durnehviir wishes to fly through the skies of Toriel once again, but his tie to Hades prevents him from leaving. Durnehvir wishes for a worthy opponent to fight, and for those who manage to entertain him to carry part of his soul back to Toriel.   Durnehviir enjoys the rare opportunities he has to talk with the unusual travelers coming to this place.  


Durnehviir soul has been manipulated in many ways, tied to Hades, and corrupted by the plane, the dragon has used this opportunity to master power over souls. Durnehviir created a unique spell, Summon Durnehviir , allowing those who know it to summon a fraction of the dragon soul to them. This allows the dragon to fly through the sky of Toriel again, even if it is only for a moment.



Unlike many other dragons, Durnehviir does not hoard wealth. His treasured possessions are the souls and undead under his command. The souls of countless mortals are under his influence, there are king, ancient wizard and heroes all forced to serve the shadow dragon.  


Some time ago, presumably before the Great Extinction, Durnehviir lived amongst his kin in the skies above Toriel.   While his brethren used more traditional forms of combat, Durnehviir pursued an interest in necromancy that eventually led him to Hades. His wish was to raise armies of undead for his own ends, so he made a pact with the night hags to gain access to hades' undead. The pact specified that Durnehviir was to serve as the keeper of Hades and his soul would be bound to the plane, and guard someone until her eventual death - terms to which Durnehviir, being an immortal dragon, agreed. But the Hags had deceived Durnehviir, as the one he had to guard was also immortal. As a result, Durnehviir was doomed to guard Hades for eternity.   With his soul bound to this plane, the dragon turned into something different, something rarely seen before to dragon kind; a shadow dragon.


Lawful Neutral

Character Portrait image: Hatesmog by Brolken


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