Dragon's Tongue Species in Toriel | World Anvil

Dragon's Tongue

The Dragon's Tongue is an extraordinary pepper that possesses a fiery nature akin compared to the breath of a dragon. Found mainly in Calames Jungle, this vibrant red pepper is renowned for its intense spiciness and potent magical properties.   When harvested, the Dragon's Tongue appears as a small, elongated pepper with a smooth and shiny skin. Its deep red color hints at the intense heat that lies within. Culinary experts and alchemists alike recognize the pepper's unique potential, both as a potent spice and a catalyst for magical effects.   To unlock the true power of the Dragon's Tongue, it must undergo a careful cooking process. The pepper is typically roasted or simmered for a duration of 1d4 hours. As it cooks, the pepper releases volatile compounds that intensify its fiery properties, infusing the surrounding air with an irresistible aroma that tingles the senses.   Once cooked to perfection, the Dragon's Tongue takes on a smoky and charred appearance. Its flavor profile evolves from a pungent spiciness to a complex blend of heat, smokiness, and subtle sweetness. However, consuming the pepper is not for the faint of heart.   When eaten, the Dragon's Tongue delivers an explosive punch of 2d8 fire damage to the unfortunate soul brave enough to withstand its fiery wrath. The intense heat courses through the consumer's body, igniting their senses and leaving them momentarily breathless. The spice is so potent that it can even cause tears to well up in the eyes and beads of sweat to form on the forehead.   But the Dragon's Tongue offers more than just a searing sensation. As a magical side effect, the individual who consumes the pepper gains the ability to cast a single 1st-level spell of burning hands. The casting, manifested as a breath-like expulsion, allows the user to unleash a burst of flames from their mouth.   Due to its powerful effects, the Dragon's Tongue is highly sought after by adventurers, spellcasters, and culinary enthusiasts alike. The spice adds a fiery kick to dishes, while the magical casting ability provides a surprising and formidable advantage in combat. It is often said that those who possess the Dragon's Tongue hold a taste of dragonfire in their hands.   However, acquiring the Dragon's Tongue is no easy feat. The pepper grows in remote and perilous locations within the jungle and guarded by the Chezucore. Harvesting the peppers requires utmost caution and expertise to avoid the pepper's scorching heat. Those who possess the knowledge and skill to cultivate and cook the Dragon's Tongue are revered as masters of both culinary and arcane arts.  


After being cooked for 1d4 hours, this spicy pepper deals 2d8 fire damage to the creature that eats it and gives them one free 1st-level casting of burning hands (DC 13), which is expelled out their mouth.

General Information

Scientific name
Geographic Distribution
Calames Jungle


Cover image: Farewell by Greg Rutkowski


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