Djinn Species in Toriel | World Anvil

Djinn (JIN-nee)

Djinn is the name given to an elemental Genie of Air. A djinn is a type of powerful air elemental that can be found in the Elemental Plane of Air.   Much the same as in fairy tales, Djinns are powerful creatures that are capable of great feats. Once captured, they are then bound to the captor and have to fulfill one wishes. Following their completion, they are free once more. Only the most powerful Djinn can grant wish this way, and are thus much harder to catch.  


Djinn tend to be solitary creatures on the Prime Material Plane, though they are friendly towards mortals and may play pranks on them. While djinn do not need food or drink to survive, they enjoy rich flavors, smells, and other sensory experiences, and may seek out succulent fruits, feasts, wine, perfumes, silks, and other luxurious items.   Djinn prefer the open desert to urban areas on the Prime Material Plane, but may visit cities from time to time.  


Physical features

Djinn resemble extremely tall (averaging ten and a half feet in height) Human men and women, who are well-muscled and physically fit. Their features are aristocratic and considered attractive by human standards. Their skin tone ranges from pale blue to a more common olive-brown. Their eyes are usually brown. Djinni garments are typically shimmering silk, designed for comfort and to flaunt their muscular physiques.  

Mental traits

Djinn are wild but benevolent creatures as a whole.   While no genie likes being enslaved, djinn are the most tolerant of temporary servitude to mortals. They are forgiving of a mortal master's flaws or even amused by them. They view short-term servitude as determined by Fate, and know that no one can defy one's fate. However, long-term service upsets them, and being imprisoned is considered anathema. They will not forgive betrayal. Those who wish to gain the brief service of a djinn should gift them with fine meals, gemstones, magical items, flattery, and other forms of bribery.  


Only the most powerful and rare genies possess the gift of granting wishes. These genies are highly sought after, as their ability to fulfill desires is unparalleled. It is said that the granting of wishes requires immense magical power, and only a select few genies are capable of performing this feat. The mere presence of a genie who possesses this power is enough to inspire awe and reverence. Those who are lucky enough to encounter one of these rare genies are said to be truly blessed, for their every wish is within reach.

General Information

Scientific name
Geographic Distribution
Elemental Plane of Air


Average Lifespan
Average Height
Average Weight



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