Cult of Dragon Organization in Toriel | World Anvil

Cult of Dragon

The Cult of the Dragon, is a semi-religious organization venerating chromatic dragons. They are trying to reanimate the dead chromatic dragons, bringing them back as zombie dragons. However, they believe that dragons are destined to rule over Toriel again, and hope to bring them back to life entirely, experimenting with lichdom and other foul sorcery to reanimate those dead creatures.
  The Cult act as an information network for its draconian masters, buy gems and riches as offerings, and encourage chromatic dragons to reclaim what use to be their.


The Cult of the Dragon's main activities are to gather intelligence for the chromatic dragons of Toriel, contribute treasure for their hoards, and aid them in any way possible, in an attempt to gain the cooperation of these dragons.
  The Cult is active throughout the Realms. Cult member activities includ gathering information on particularly rich caravans to be raided, stealing unique items to be offered to their masters, and leading raids against their enemies (who, in their minds, are all those who might oppose the rulership of the chromatic dragons).
  The cult is not against legitimate commercial activities, and as such it had several merchant members who use their well earned money to fund cult projects.




With the Cult of Dragon as your group’s patron, you gain the following perks.
    • Dragon's Lair. The cult maintains secret hiding spots across Toriel, most often within a chromatic dragon's lair. Your group knows how to locate these nondescript redoubts and can maintain a poor lifestyle in one for no cost. Revealing a dragon's lair, whether purposefully or by accident, causes you to be hunted by the cult.



Originally, The Cult of the Dragon was devoted to all dragons, and venerated those immortal creature. The cult was not secretive, and a very popular organization among the mortal's empire. But after the Great Extinction and the Draco-Giant War, Tiamat and Bahamut argued, and the cult was mostly wiped by the cataclysmique event.
  Tiamat however, lured the survivor still worshipping herinto rebuilding the cult, changing the cult's tenet to only support the chromatic dragon under the goddess protection, and to let them rule over Toriel. The purpose of the cult was not tohelp dead dragons, but to help the living one, with the help of Tiamat.
  With the majority of dragon's dead, the cult started to try and resurect the dragons, to bring them back to there former glory.
  The Cult of the Dragon places a strong emphasis on preserving the martial traditions that are associated with dragons. These traditions range from proud warriors who channel the power of dragons in their combat, to rangers who train and ride drakes as companion, and even to paladins and clerics who tap into the divine power of dragon gods. Through their practices, members of the Cult seek to embody the ferocity and might of these legendary creatures and keep the traditions alive.

Notable members

Basic Information

Followers of the Scaly Way
Base of operations


Evil cultists, wizards, merchants, clerics


Religious, Cult


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