Animal Spirits Character in Toriel | World Anvil

Animal Spirits

Ancient and wild beasts, who were bounded to entire clans, tribes, or powerful warriors and died in a heroic manner sometimes refuse to escape to the beastland, even in death, they prefer to protect those they once served. Those powerful and often magical beasts, if strong enough become Animal Spirits, guiding and protecting the entire clan, and granting power and might to druidic circles and denizens of their territory.   Here are some animals examples that can be found as spirit protectors of villages and towns: Ape- Bear - Boar - Eagle - Elk - Horse - Mammoth - Platypus - Raptor - Serpent - Tiger - Wolf   The variety of animals shows the variety of places that have once been saved by animals, and who now have one of those spirits protecting or aiding them.  



The northlanders, human from the northern region of Siniadòr worship those spirits. The tales of how A mighty bear, whose cave was near the village entrance once saved the village from a malevolent lichen, or the story of the mayor eagle who warned his master of the incoming army are many, and those animals are now revered are spirits that still help those villages.   The gnomes also possess various stories of animal spirits, especially recently with the Blood War, countless tales of cunning fox, guiding a family of gnome in their lair to escape the legion of dwarves marching south.

Animal Spirits


Cover image: Farewell by Greg Rutkowski


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