New Age Dragons Species in Tomeria | World Anvil
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New Age Dragons

New Age Dragons refer to dragons that are tied to a specific color or metal and typically reside on The Continent. Their exact origins are unknown and widely disputed but are considered some of the most powerful beasts to have ever roamed Tomeria.    Divided into two sub classes of Metallic and Chromatic, New Age Dragons personality oftentimes correlates with their specific category. Their are 8 different subspecies of New Age Dragons. The Metallic are defined as the Gold, Silver, Bronze, Brass, and Copper, and the Chromatic are Red, Blue, Black, Green, White.   New Age Dragons are excellent spellcasters capable of casting spells far in advance of most Folkin casters and can even shapeshift at will.

Basic Information


New Age Dragons vary in size and appearance but are all quadrupeds with wings capable of flight. Their scales differ with the Metallic dragons typically favoring reflective and shiny scales only the Blue Chromatic dragons have shiny scales with the rest being more of a dull matte color.

New Age Dragons never stop growing but if they are the same age the Gold and Red dragons will always remain larger with the White and Copper dragons being the smallest.

Genetics and Reproduction

Thankfully for Tomeria New Age Dragons seldom reproduce and due to warring during the War of the Ancients their numbers are drastically diminished with the majority still residing in the Ageroth Mountains.

While the exact science to how New Age Dragons reproduce is unknown it is thought that the chances of a female dragon to carry are inversely proportional to the age of both dragons involved which has led to the population decline after many of the younger dragons having died in the war leaving only older dragons left. In addition to the fact that the Folkin of Tomeria have improved both in technology and magic leading them capable of fighting back against the younger and more aggressive dragons.

Due to their magical shapeshifting nature should they reproduce with any Folkin the result is usually in the form of the magical powers being past on to the child.

Growth Rate & Stages

New Age Dragons go through several stages of growth with the early stages being quite dependent on nourishment through food and magic in their surroundings.

Hatchlings The eggs can take years to hatch with an undetermined reasoning behind their actual hatching, sometimes taking only a few months to others taking decades. It has been found that with an increased amount of magic in their surroundings it seems to make the hatchling more eager to hatch. After hatching the next year of growth for the New Age Dragon is quite fast as long as they are provided plenty of food and magic in the area. Without enough of either the hatchling will slowly wither and if well fed but without enough magic it will devolve into a wyvern like creature.

Wyrmling A hatchling becomes a Wyrmling a year after being hatched and could be in this stage for up to several decades. However in perfect circumstances no more than 5 years. In this stage the dragon gains the ability to fly and is usually around the size of a horse while still eating it's body weight daily and absorbing large amounts of magical energy.

Young As a young dragon, the dragon if still in the care of its mother or family, will strike out on its own. They are extremely deadly at this stage capable of razing entire towns and taking on armies. They are no longer eating their body weight daily but still consume large amounts and are usually quite aggressive as they try to begin a hoard to continue absorbing energy from. This stage usually lasts anywhere from 40-80 years.

Adult Finally having reached maturity adult New Age Dragons are extremely rare and widely feared. After reaching this stage the dragon will have been living for nearly a century with a cunning to match and magical abilities beyond all but the strongest of Folkin casters. At this stage the dragons begin to hibernate for years at a time as their hoard has grown large enough to sustain them for long periods of time, alongside typically having sought out tributes and other forms of reoccurring investments. They no longer need nearly as much food but still rely on large quantities of magical energy. By this age all dragons will have achieved shapeshifting at will.

Ecology and Habitats

While they each prefer a specific biome and have abilities and spells that are related to it, they are not nearly as intertwined as the Essence Dragons and are capable of living in any biome regardless of color.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All New Age Dragons are powerful users of the Arcane magic. It is natural to them and even dragon hatchlings are capable of it. Even the weakest of New Age Dragons are going to be more powerful than most Folkin will ever be.

They additionally have blindsight and excellent hearing and eyesight making them extremely hard to be caught unaware and excellent at guarding their hoards.

By adulthood any New Age Dragon will have mastered shapeshifting at will while still retaining their mental and magical abilities along with superhuman physical traits.
Scientific Name


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