The Silic Knights Organization in Tollomai | World Anvil
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The Silic Knights

A long long time ago--no, cousin, near on ten thousand years, not just a few hundred--there was an Ascendant. Aye, she was a good one. Samsara the Even Hand, they called her. She made the Silic Knights. Sure, eventually she went totally crazy, lost her mind, and tried to take over Ars Hadri and Godhunter blew her head up in front of her army, but before that, she wanted to make Silica something great. The Knights are the last piece of her that remains.   You’ll know ‘em when you see ‘em. Eight foot tall, silver armor polished so bright it’ll blind you on a clear day. And word of warning, don’t think too loudly near ‘em. They’re spooks too, can sense thoughts or summat. Had a cousin once try to pickpocket one. The Knights, oh, they follow the law. To the letter. Which meant detaining the thief, delivering him to justice, watching to make sure he faced justice. Dead? No. He got a fine, a warning, and let go. And he got three Knights staring at him for damn near a week while the courts saw to his fines. Every moment. Couldn’t even take a leak in peace. Can’t think of many better ways to scare someone onto the straight and narrow, I guess.

Public Agenda

The Silic Knights maintain order and enforce the ruler's justice in Ars Silica.


Since Samsara the Evenhanded's death, the Silic Knights have had no Lord Commander. Their numbers have never reached more than 100.

In Virtue, Strength

Founding Date
4600 A.S.
Military Order

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