Archbishop Arcane Rank/Title in Tol-Lorak | World Anvil
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Archbishop Arcane


The Archbishop Arcane must have been a member of the Synod of Seventy-Seven for at least five years, and a member in good standing of the Church of Kol.


The Archbishop Arcane is in charge of the spiritual and moral wellbeing of the members of the Guild of Mages. Just as the Guild has its own legal system, it has an independent spiritual branch under the authority of the church, which is designed to fulfill the particular needs of mages.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

If the Archbishop Arcane is appointed as a Hexarch, they are expected to resign the office of Archbishop Arcane. Likewise, those who retire from the Synod must also vacate the office. Instead, they are appointed to the office of Mystic Prelate , an honorary office.   Otherwise, the Archbishop Arcane is only removed in cases of heresy or apostasy.
Religious, Clerical
Form of Address
His Esoteric Excellency
Equates to
Archbishop, High Priest, Magelord
Source of Authority
Appointed by Triune from Magelords
Length of Term
Reports directly to
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