Mondo's Watchtower Building / Landmark in TMNT: Mystic Forest | World Anvil

Mondo's Watchtower

The Western Watchtower is one of the four watch towers in the Rockefeller Contamination Zone, which Mondo Gecko has made his home.

Purpose / Function

The watch tower was one of four built inside the perimeter of the Rockefeller contamination zone by the Earth Protection Force designed with the purpose of keeping guard of the area for mutants or trespassers. However now, the structures have been long abandoned after much of the EPF's military presence has been removed.  


The tower is a 60 foot, wooden look out tower. A ladder and a set of broken down stairs leads to a one room building at the top, surrounded by an exposed patio outside. A small ladder leads to a cupola at the top with windows on all sides for viewing. The building has some basic amenities like a wind generator for power, a system to pump water to the sinks upstairs, and a wood burning stove. There is no bathroom so an outhouse is provided on ground level.


Since taking over, Mondo has heavily modified the building to suit his tastes. The outside is currently covered in artistic spray paint graffiti which makes the outside vibrant and colorful. Inside he's decorated it with a lot of the punk and skater décor he brought back from his home. The walls inside are decorated with posters, custom skateboards and fairy lights. He moved in a minifridge next to the existing kitchenette and heats the place with small space heaters.   His room also contains a beanbag chair, a hammock for sleeping, a TV connected with bootlegged cable, video game consoles, a card table for eating off of, shelves full of books and DVDs. and a stereo system. In the corner he also has a tank where he keeps his gecko Lars. With Donatello's help he also installs a zipline to get down from the tower faster.


The towers were initially slated for construction in the 2000's in order to act as fire watch towers. However before they could be used, the Mutagen disaster occurred in 2009, forcing all civilians to evacuate. The EPF would take control over the area and use the unfinished towers as guard towers for some time, before eventually abandoning them when most of the mutagen had been cleaned up and the region was deemed 'stable'. Since then the towers have been left to be exposed to the elements.   The Western tower has since then been occupied by Mondo Gecko, who has been living there illegally since being mutated.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
The Western Watchtower
Owning Organization
Current Occupants
Mondo Gecko


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