Abandoned Park Building / Landmark in TMNT: Mystic Forest | World Anvil

Abandoned Park

A small park area area that exists within the boundaries of the Rockefeller Contamination Zone.

Purpose / Function

The park was initially designed to be a nice rest stop a by the trail for people to rest, have food and allow their children to play a bit. It was also the ideal place to host events in the area.


The park consists of some old play ground equipment, a fallen apart gazebo, a set of tables under a steel canopy, and a concreate building that was once used for concessions during events. This building has a mural that has been slowly stripped away from weather damage and is heavily graffiti'd over.


The park was used regularly by guests up until the Mutagen spillage which caused the whole area to be restricted in 2009. Since then the area has become over grown and the equipment dirty and rusted over. It became a popular spot later on for delinquents and gangs like the Purple Dragons to hang out and throw ragers.
Founding Date


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