The First Empress Character in Tiyu Amara | World Anvil

The First Empress

She was, as you may have guessed, the first empress of Urisoril. But do not be confused - then, it was not an empire of pain. It was a place of mercy, which she embodied most clearly. It was with her death that her descendants began the descent in a villainy we still live with the consequences of.
— Muhepásines teacher
The First Empress, sometimes also called Kkoláthol, is a pseudo-historical or mythical figure present in stories from Thurásin's eastern shores. The founder of the Urisoril Empire, she is said to have reigned for 100 years, and quite possibly for many more in the empire's predecessor.


When Kkoláthol was born isn't known with certainty, with theories ranging from her being only a child when she ascended to the throne, to her being alive since the beginning of the world. Whatever is the case, she was the queen of a small kingdom located on the east coast of Thurásin. In the year 18 Continuance, she orchestrated a union between her kingdom and a few of its neighbours, and declared the new country to be the Urisoril Empire.   Her reign was defined by its peacefulness compared to other countries at the time. On the one occasion that chaos did break out - an invasion by a kingdom to their south - Kkoláthol personally stepped in to prevent it. In a probably apocryphal story, she travelled to the border to talk to the leader of the other kingdom, and was kidnapped by their soldiers. While in their custody, she was able to talk them down so thoroughly that they released her of their own accord long before any ransom could be gained from Urisoril. Once free, she made her way unopposed to the enemy leader, and convinced them to join the Empire rather than continuing their war.   This trend of peaceful union continued throughout her reign, with smaller countries regularly joining her empire to gain the prosperity and security she offered. But this could not last forever.   How, when, or even if Kkoláthol died are up to interpretation. Most pinpoint a time at or before the 23rd year of Redemption, as it was at this time Urisoril began to transition from a diplomatic expansion to one based on conquest and military might. Her death may have been fairly mundane and a result of old age, which given the supposed length of her reign is quite likely. Others suggest she was assassinated by the more militaristic members of her court who saw her pacifism as hindering the Empire's growth. Even more people suggest Kkoláthol was not a single woman, but an amalgam of similarly named empresses and queens who reigned in the east who have been blurred together by the loss of records.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Female (she/her)
Aligned Organization
Year of Death
Approximately 23 Redemption


The records for the existence of the First Empress are scant, but that is not to say she definitely did not exist. Many stories that survive from the early empire refer to sources that have since been lost to time and the collapse of the empire, and are too consistent with each other to be fabrications.   The current theories of historians is that she likely existed, but was either a combination of multiple important figures in the early history of the empire, or that she was one of the Primordial individuals who was nigh immortal. In the latter case she is presumed to have been assassinated to end her reign, and records of her reign may have been scrubbed in the aftermath.
book burning fire destroy
Burning Book by Movidagrafica


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