The Sharesess Respite Geographic Location in Tin Star Thaumaturge | World Anvil

The Sharesess Respite

“Beyond the sands, there is a single spot of life. It is a place where water bubbles from the ground to nourish thirsty travelers. The Sharesess Respite provides that which the desert does not – placed by the Oasis Bringer himself. But, always be careful. You must approach from the north or the west – never the south or east. The Glasslands are close, sometimes too close. Never venture into the Glasslands.”Kaleaithne, Sharesessi Scout, Member of the Naisessi or People of the River Tribe


The Sharesess Respite is the only major oasis within the greater Sharesessi Desert. Fed by an underground spring, the main body of water is nearly 600 feet wide and 20 feet deep. As there are few contaminants this far into the desert, the waters are crystal clear. Lush, verdant greenery rings the main pond, forming a microclimate substantially cooler than the surrounding desert. Secondary pools, only a few feet in diameter, dot the landscape beyond the main oasis.

Fauna & Flora

A variety of small creatures inhabit the oasis. Brushland Rabbis are the most abundant, existing in a geographically isolated population. Compared to the same species outside of the desert, Respite rabbits are considerably smaller. A small population of desert swallowtails nests in the Respite during their yearly migration. Otherwise, the oasis species consist mostly of the same insects found in the desert itself.

Natural Resources

Water from the Sharesess Respite is well-known as one of the cleanest in Avistat. Local tribal folklore suggests that the water may have healing properties. Several scientific expeditions have found no proof to these statements. There is concern among the Sharesessi Tribes that enterprising merchants from the Venitas Confederacy may make an attempt to capitalize on the reputation. As of yet, it remains unspoiled.
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