Firestone-Salt Battle Military Conflict in Tilandrial | World Anvil
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Firestone-Salt Battle

The last and deadliest battle of the War of the Reaches, the Firestone-Salt battle was what fully convinced Arch Ignacia to kick the sphinxes off her continent.

The Conflict


The Firestone and Salt Reaches were constantly arguing about the boundaries between their two territories. Arch Ignacia had in the past laid out what she considered official boundries for each of the four Reaches of the Great Namilli Plains; however, the twisted presence of the Sphinxes was corrupting the hearts of those who lived in the Reaches. All four Reaches were affected, but the leaders of the Salt Reach and the Firestone Reach were more corrupted than most. It is believed this to be because the Sphinxes chose to settle in the largest city of Meridianus, Valistar.


Ignacia kicked the Sphinxes off her continent, but unfortunately the loss of life in borth Reaches was great.  This caused Salt Reach inhabitants to mistrust any who utilize Ignus magic.


The War of the Reach Concordium was signed and ratified, ensuring there would be no more battles over Reach boundries.    Ignacia kicking the Sphinxes off Meridianus led to them settling in Sursum, the continent watched over by Dunstan, Arch of Obscurum. Many historians cite this motion as one of the larger contributions to the start of the Great War.

Historical Significance

In Literature

War of the Reach Concordium
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Signified the end of the War of the Reach

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Cover image: by Pexels


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