Kingmaker's Guild Building / Landmark in Tier'akan | World Anvil
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Kingmaker's Guild

Purpose / Function

Originally the manor of one of the noble houses of Noxveil, when it's sole remaining heir vanished after being implicated in Devil organized plot to overthrow the Duke, the house was awarded to the adventures who successfully put a halt to both the plot and the extra dimensional incursion. Now, the manor has been repurposed as a guildhall for the newly founded Kingmaker's Guild.


Much of the Manor has been gutted, with the basment transformed into a spell research laboratory and library, the ground floor into a administrative and training hall area, the top floor into a series of dormitories for temporary and longer term residents, and the lawn into an alchemist's garden.


The structure is built of large white stone blocks, aged to an off white over the years, with less than well maintained oak trimmings decorating the fixtures and eaves. The roof is made of slate shingles, with steep gables over the top floor windows.


The bottom floor is warded with alarm spells on each entry and exit, and the grounds are protected by a young dryad who's tree dwells within. Additionally, the sheer number of adventurers that make their way through or reside within provides a certain amount of security all their own.
Founding Date
Last Seed, 315 IE
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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