The Northlands Geographic Location in Tienthylandria | World Anvil

The Northlands

The Northlands includes all lands north of the Blackstone Mountains, stretching all the way to the northern polar cap. The entire region experiences a near year-round winter. The foothills and valleys just north of the mountains boast the mildest of the winter weather. As one treks further north, conditions become harsher.


Clan Territories

The barbarian clans laid claim to the entire band of milder sub-arctic, stretching from coast to coast. The territories is broken up into a dozen or so different sub-territories, each claimed by one of the great houses.  

Tursano Highlands

Beyond the lowlands and foothills, one must ascend into the Tursano Highlands. This perilous hike will take you ten thousand feet above sea level, high enough up to put much of the Blackstone Mountains at eye level. The weather in the highlands can only be described as "proper winter" with a thriving ecosystem.  

Frostdunes Steppe

Beyond the highlands is the Frostdunes Steppe. A vast tundra expanse that looks like a desert of ice and snow. Wildlife appears sparser here, but don't let that fool you. Frostdunes predators are more adapt at hiding in plain sight due to the lack of trees.

Localized Phenomena


Auroras are the result of ethereal disturbances in the northern night sky. Especially brilliant disturbances result from enhancements in the speed of the polar wind from major elemental activity. These disturbances alter the trajectories of light energy as it passes through the wake of ice elementals passing over their hunting grounds. The resulting ionization and excitation of light and air create auroras of varying color and complexity. The form of the aurora, occurring within bands around both polar regions, is also dependent on the mood and variety of elementals.  


Blizzards and snow storms are a common occurrence in the Northlands. There is a wide band of intensity, duration, and alleged intelligence. Northern superstitions say that the storms are intelligent, that they are the physical manifestation of greater ice spirits and elementals. Occasionally, a Snow Devil (funnel) will form, and wisp around briefly before blowing itself out. These can range wildly in size, which northern shaman will use to identify the type and intent of a particular snow devil. Larger, more destructive funnels are hungry and out hunting, while smaller wisps are regarded as child who are simply playing.


The Northlands remain in winter throughout the year, with a brief thaw during the month of Blazewind.

Natural Resources

The Northlands are rich in natural resources. One need only be brave, stout, and clever enough to claim them. The three most well known exports of the region are cold iron, barbarian potions, and ice magic.
Alternative Name(s)
Frozen North
  • Cold Iron
  • Barbarian Potions
  • Ice Magic

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