Session 065: Fight against the Æsir & Vanir, Part 2 Report Report in Thylea | World Anvil
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Session 065: Fight against the Æsir & Vanir, Part 2 Report

General Summary

The Æsir & Vanir were defeated by the combination of: prismatic walls, Jörmungandr's throwing, good tactics, & synergy.
The Norse Pantheon decided to join in the coalition against Tharizdun. This gifted Anora with a permanent size increase, & blessed her with a hammer.
They were all blessed with Tough Skin (unarmored AC = 11 + DEX mod + CON mod).
  They went back to Ao & were blessed with a new Divine Rank this gave enough divine energy to claim a single area as theirs & making only a single minor alteration.
The Lost Pantheon shared what they knew of the beginning times, & they split up to form their realms.
  • A single divine rank allowed for 100 foot domain
  • Two divine ranks allowed for a 300 foot domain
  • Three divine ranks allowed for a 600 foot domain

Godly Realm: Each deity of rank 1 or higher has a location that serves as a workplace, personal residence, audience chamber, and sometimes as a retreat or fortress. A deity is at its most powerful within its godly realm. A deity has at least modest control over the environment within its realm, controlling the temperature and minor elements of the environment. The radius of this control is a function of the deity’s rank and whether the realm is located on an Outer Plane or some other plane (including the Material Plane). Within this area, the deity can set any temperature that is normal for the plane where the realm is located (for the Material Plane, any temperature from –20ºF to 120ºF), and fill the area with scents and sounds as the deity sees fit. Sounds can be no louder than one hundred humans could make, but not intelligible speech or harmful sound. The deity’s ability to create scents is similar.

The Ghost King swore to serve Jekkar & judge the souls. He'd send them to their proper rests. So he set up his realm in the Nether Sea, a place where the ocean was made souls. He had an island where they came & went where he sent them. He had no chair or anything & the island was Bleak. His domain was 100 ft, & was named the Island of Measurement.

Arcadia was home to the Vile Tricker, he had a 100 foot domain. Acheron was home to Ollidak's 600 foot domain. As well as Pythor's 2,100 foot domain, & Hexia's 2,100 foot domain.
Corrina set her realm up in Arborea on Arvandor with Nikodemus, they took great care to ensure that the Olympians knew that they were there. There realms were merged together & named: Drakónkurios, a 100 foot radius domain located on the first layer. No difference to how the plane normally is.
The Great Hunter claimed a 100 foot domain in the Beastlands on Brux. He kept trying to build a cabin ever couple of months. It was gone the next morning.
Theron's Realm: Katafýgio/Refuge: On the surface, Theron's realm appears just as wild as the rest of the Beastlands, and the Beastlands' major rules still apply. However, careful observation with a discerning eye would reveal Katafýgio is actually carefully manicured, and spans all three zones, though currently disconnected, & each layer has a domain 200 feet in size The only civilized space that does exist, is inside a mountain, and its entrance is as unobtrusive as possible.
This civilized space seems small for its largest functions. The first chamber has space for about twenty people, excluding Theron. It serves three functions: audience chamber, guest hall and feast hall. Each manifestation of the refuge is 200 feet in size, & the domains are currently not connected. They are currently guarded by the Great Hunter.
Phoibe made her own realm on the last layer of the Beastlands that was 600 ft.

Mytros has her domain in Elysium on Amoria, it was 2,100 feet.
Skyfather the Moon Maiden & Sun Goddess had their 100 foot domain’s in Elysium on Nyx.
Bacchus the Wine Prince, god of drunkenness. & the oh God of hangovers. Didn't currently have a domain, lived on Elysium.
Pyra, the Fish Queen, & Neptune made a shared domain in Elysium on Tethys, named Okeanós, it is 800 foot domain. Neptune is waiting to commit the rest of his for the plane of water.

Apollo joined Damon & Chondrous in making three neighboring domains each 600 feet, in Limbo.
Hulgnir made his domain on Ysgard a 600 foot floating island that floated next to the one for the Norse pantheon.
Jekkar had three realms that were disconnected from each other on Bytopia. Each 200 feet in size.
Oren had his 600 foot domain in the Shadowfell, named Apolutrósis.
Versi Goddess of Undeath has a 2,100 foot domain in the Shadowfell named, .
  Hyakinthos has his Infinite Doors of the Serpent Inn that had nothing to do with his Divine Ranks & would never be altered. Instead it connects to every plane or world Hyakinthos has travelled to, & Barovia.
      Hyakinthos' new knowledge (Planes) portfolio allowed him to understand a great many things about the planes. Such as the Greek Pantheon was on Arvandor, & the Celtic on the Feywild & Outlands.

Rewards Granted

The pantheon has been gifted with unarmored defense, & can choose to be Large sized, though permanent.
This was taken by: Oren, Pyra,   Anora's Hammer, gauntlets & belt transformed into:
Járngreipr, Dwarven Gauntlets
Marvelous item, variable (requires attunement)

Designed for the greatest of warriors, these dwarven gauntlets are masterpieces that make any weapon wielded while wearing them even deadlier.
Depending on their rarity, they grant their wearer 4 additional Strength points. Their wearer cannot be disarmed and rolls grappling and shoving checks with advantage. The only two Legendary versions of this item ever made is owned by the god Thor & goddess Anora.

Megingjörð, Belt of Dwarven Strength
Marvelous item, variable (requires attunement)
A great many legends speak of these powerful magic items that the Dwarven people managed to infuse with the strength of Giants.

While a character wears this belt, their Strength score is set to the one corresponding to the belt’s rarity. If their Strength score is already equal or higher, then the belt has no effect. The character rolls with advantage Strength (Athletics) checks and those not to be knocked prone or not to lose their balance.
  There are four variants of this belt, each infused with the strength of powerful giants. The only known Legendary versions are owned by the god Thor & the goddess Anora.
  Hæmenora, Hammer of Anora +4
Weapon (warhammer), Artefact (requires attunement)
Hæmenora, can be lifted or attuned to only if wearing a Megingjörð (Belt of Dwarven Strength) the Járngreipr (Gauntlets of Dwarven Strength).
Magical Weapon. You have a +4 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. Targets also suffer an additional 2d6 lightning damage and 2d6 thunder damage. Hæmenora, possesses the Thrown property, with a normal range of 20 ft. and a long range of 60 ft. After an attack, it flies back into your hand.
Aura of Storms. While attuned to Hæmenora, your size increases to Large if it was not already and your skin constantly crackles with faint electrical discharges. When you are hit in melee, your attacker suffers 2d6 lightning & thunder damage.
Giantsbane. If you hit a giant, you deal an additional 2d8 lightning damage & 2d8 thunder damage with Hæmenora.
Lightning of Justice. While attuned to Hæmenora, you can use an action to cast the Chain Lightning spell without the need for components. After casting the spell, roll a d6: on a 1 to 5, you cannot cast it again until the next dawn.
Medallion of Thunder. Speaking the command word changes Hæmenora,s size and weight into that of a small pendant.
Infusion of Strength. While attuned to Hæmenora, your Strength score is 30.
Destroying Hæmenora. Only decades spent in the forges of its birth can challenge the innate toughness of this mighty weapon.

    A Divine rank & divine feat for all.
  Pyra & Neptue:
Divine Water Mastery: Prerequisites: Water as part of the deity’s zone of control. The deity gains advantage on attack rolls against combatants while both are touching the water, attackers have disadvantage. Gains a swim speed equal to its normal movement +5 feet / divine rank. Has complete control over things made of water, as such can create tidal waves, flash floods, etc. Can sense anything with 10 feet per divine rank that is in contact with the same body of water. Can duplicate any spell that affects water like materials. While full submerged in water, it grants you regeneration 10.

Oren & Arkrania
Mantle of Darkness Thievery portfolio Your divine aura can becomes a zone of magical Darkness concealing you, and within which you can hide with advantage as a bonus action.

See Magic Arcana or magic domain Detect Magic within your range of your Divine Aura, and Identify magic items within your divine aura as a bonus action.
The deity can see magic as the detect magic spell but with normal vision, the deity can discern all spells and their effects upon anything within their line of sight.

Missions/Quests Completed

Gathered the Norse Pantheon to help with chaining the mad god.



    Elysium (3 layers) - {Nyx, Amoria, & Tethys} After Ascension (5 layers) - {Nyx, Amoria, Eronia, Belierin, & Tethys}
  • 01. Bacchus, the Wine Prince (None.)
  • 02. Balmytria/ Mytros- Nyx (2,100 FT)
  • 03. Fish Queen - Tethys (100 FT)
  • 04. Thylea (used to live on Amoria)
  • 05. Neptune - Tethys (300 ft)
  • 06. Pyra - Tethys (600 ft)
  • 07. Skyfather- Nyx (100 ft)
  • 08. Moon Maiden - Nyx (100 ft)

Hades (5 layers) - {Agonas, Ilysia, Nerono, Phylias, Tizerus}

  • 1. Hades (Greek Pantheon)
  • 2. Arcanoloth

Astral Plane

  • 1. Holders of the Silver Lantern
  • 2. Protogonia, Titaness of Stars
  • 3. Three minds of Icarus.

Ethereal (Regular, & Deep Ethereal)

  • 1. Arasta, Titaness of Fate & Webs
  • 2. The Splintersoul

Nether Sea (Fugue Plane, sea drains life as made up of souls)




  • 1. Confederation of Calypso
  • 2. Elemental Lords of Air: Yanakos [E], Ctimene [N], & Yan C-Bin [G]


  • 01. Gargoyle Princes (Koinos [M], Zegaera [F])
  • 02. Elemental Lords of Earth: Orthaeus [E], Eurestos [G], Speio [N], Ogremoch [G]


  • 01. Elemental Lords of Fire: Ianeira [E], Laios [E], Zyneas [E], & Kydilla [E], Imix [N]
  • 02. Abyss, King of the Salamanders


  • 01. Eriphyle, Goddess of the Merfolk
  • 02. Elemental Lords of Water: Otonia [E] Baerius [G], & Aphidnos [N], Olyhydra [N]

Border Elemental

  • 01. Mephit Monarchs (Kalesius, the Boisterous King of Magma, Hilaera Queen of Ash, Jokus King of Ice, & Lampito Queen of Ooze)
  • 02. Slime Lords
  • 03. Border Elemental Lords

Abyss (○○)


Acheron (4 layers) - {Avalas, Thuldanin, Tintibulus, Ocanthus}

  • 01. Ollidak (600 ft)
  • 02. Pythor (2,100 ft)
  • 03. Hexia (2,100 ft)

Arborea (3 layers) - {Arvandor, Aquallor, Mithardir}

  • 01. Mount Olympus (realm - Greek Pantheon)
  • Drakónkurios - Corrina & Nikodemus (100 feet)

Arcadia (2 layers) - {Abellio, Buxelos}

  • 01. The Vile Trickster (100 ft)

Beastlands (3 layers) - {Krigala, Brux, Karasuthra}

  • 01. Theron - Krigala, Brux, Karasuthra (100ft each)
  • Katafýgio/Refuge: On the surface, Theron's realm appears just as wild as the rest of the Beastlands, and the Beastlands' major rules still apply. However, careful observation with a discerning eye would reveal Katafýgio is actually carefully manicured, and spans all three zones. The only civilized space that does exist, is inside a mountain, and its entrance is as unobtrusive as possible.

    This civilized space seems small for its largest functions. The first chamber has space for about twenty people, excluding Theron. It serves three functions: audience chamber, guest hall and feast hall. If there are more rooms, mortal visitors aren't allowed.
  • 02. Phoibe - Brux (800 ft) merged area with Theron
  • 03. Great Hunter - Brux (100 ft)
      Bytopia (3 layersDothion, Shurrock, Betweensky}
  • 01. Jekkar (200 ft each)
      Gehenna (4 layersKhalas, Chamada, Mungoth, Krangath}
  • 01. Estor (2,100 ft)


  • 01. Oren (600 ft)
  • 02. Chondrous, Damon, & Apollo shared realm of 1,800 feet.

Nirvana of Mechanus (1 vast layer)

  • 01. Volkan is now Primus (domain is 3,840,000 miles)
  • 02. Steros has his forge here (100 ft)

Celestia (7 layersLunia, Mercuria, Venya, Solania, Mertion, Jovar, Chronias}

  • 01. Anora (600 ft), & her 4 Dragons (100 ft)
  • 02. Vallus

Baator (9 layersAvernus, Dis, Minauros, Phlegethos, Stygia, Malbolge, Maladomini, Canon, Nessus}


Pandemonium (4 layersPandesmos, Cocytus, Phlegethon, Agathion}

01. John (600 ft)      

Ysgard (3 layersYsgard, Muspelheim, Nidavellir)

  • 01. Hulgnir - Has his own floating island on the first layer Ysgsrd (600 ft, 700 including Jörmungandr's)
  • 02. Jörmungandr (100 ft) - Area in Hulgnir's
      Outland (Neutral)
  • 01. Tir Na Nog




  • 01. Versi Goddess of Undeath (2,000 ft)
  • 02.  Oren

Nether Sea

  • 01. Ghost King (100 ft)
  • 02. Versi, Goddess of Undeath (100 ft)


  • 01. Celtic Pantheon Realm
Odyssey of the Dragonlords
Theron Phobas
Level 30 Human Neutral Good Ranger/Rogue
216 / 779 HP
Report Date
21 Aug 2021
Primary Location
Heroic Domains of Ysgard
Secondary Location

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