Minauros Geographic Location in Thoia | World Anvil


The third layer of the Nine Hells is a stench-ridden bog. Acidic rain spills from the layer’s brown skies, thick layers of scum cover its putrid surface, and yawning pits lie in wait beneath the murk to engulf careless wanderers. Cyclopean cities of ornately carved stone rise up from the bog, including the great city of Minauros for which the layer is named.   The slimy walls of the city rise hundreds of feet into the air, protecting the flooded halls of Mammon. The Archduke of Minauros resembles a massive serpent with the upper torso and head of a hairless, horned humanoid. Mammon’s greed is legendary, and he is one of the few archdevils who will trade favours for gold instead of souls. His lair is piled high with treasures left behind by those who tried — and failed — to best him in a deal. (https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/dmg/creating-a-multiverse#OtherPlanes)
Alternative Name(s)
Third Layer
Dimensional plane
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Characters in Location


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