Cania Geographic Location in Thoia | World Anvil


Cania, the eighth layer of the Nine Hells, is an icy hellscape, whose ice storms can tear flesh from bone. Cities embedded in the ice provide shelter for guests and prisoners of Cania’s ruler, the brilliant and conniving archdevil Mephistopheles.   Mephistopheles dwells in the ice citadel of Mephistar, where he plots to seize the Throne of Baator and conquer the planes. He is Asmodeus’s greatest enemy and ally, and the Archduke of Nessus appears to trust Mephistopheles’s counsel when it is offered. Mephistopheles knows he can’t depose Asmodeus until his adversary makes a grave miscalculation, and so both wait to see what circumstances might turn them against each other. Mephistopheles is also a godfather of sorts to Glasya, further complicating the relationship.   Mephistopheles is a tall, striking devil with impressive horns and a cool demeanour. He trades in souls, as do other archdevils, but he rarely gives his time to any creatures not worthy of his personal attention. His instincts are as razor sharp as Cania’s frigid winds, and it is said that only Asmodeus has ever deceived or thwarted him. (
Alternative Name(s)
Eighth Layer
Dimensional plane
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
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