Origins - similarities and differences in Third Horizon, Ghodar and other places | World Anvil
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Origins - similarities and differences

Third Horizon culture: origins

Checking on the Coriolis Discord, I read that the publishers are OK with players recreating tables, figures and data from the RPG source material where the only purpose is the facilitation of playing their game and I hereby promise this is my only intent with this article. The 'origins' First-come and Zenithian are from the Coriolis RPG; everything else is my own content - Doctor Weather
Coriolis Core Rules suggest that, though both the First-come and Zenithian cultures come from an Arabian root, they are still different enough to cause a friction between them. This in mind, I've taken it that the peoples are similar enough that they recognise each other's ways as coming from the same source culture - that they are still sister peoples - but that they've since evolved apart, to the point that one sees the other as 'doing some things wrong' or would say "they're a bit odd, aren't they?"   I want the list of differences to help me create a realistic tension in the game between the two cultures. Equally however, I do envision there to be a goodly amount of hope in my plots, and so I've also gathered the cultures' similarities from which characters can build foundations.  

Tension through difference

  Zenithians tend to be less devoted to the Icon religion
  • Their greetings often use a shortened version of common blessings that might not explicitly mention the Icons
...Only hardened scientists like those of the Foundation actively deny the Icons are divine, but nonetheless, the Zenithians are generally less devout.   The First-come have kept up more of the older traditions whilst the Zenithians have proudly modernised
  • Zenithians have abandoned some of the formality of the old world orders: they offer less deference to noblity and royalty, using a more-simplified list of titles; and they only bow to superiors, no longer kneeling - there is even a saying "Zenithians do not kneel"
  • The First-come believe that the older formality is a very important part of society, even perhaps a building block, and don't want to lose it for fear of it being the first step on civilisation sliding away
  In greeting and trading the two cultures have evolved different etiquettes
  In daliy life the cultures often dress differently and have different views on coffee and alcohol
  • Zenithians believe coffee stimulates the mind into greater spiritual awareness and philosophical capability, whereas the First-come think of it as something used to make workers work harder and longer
  • The First-come widely consume alcohol, using certain drinks in ceremonial occasions, whilst Zenithians think of it as a gateway to degeneracy
  • Zenithians more often wear the kameez or kurta shirts, wearing robes only on formal occasions, whereas the First-come wear robes at all times but in different styles to match the occasion, from the everyday djellaba to the highly-formal caftan


  Stereotypes are a bad thing but still exist and cause tensions when the two cultures interact. Not everyone thinks in these fixed, bigoted ways but memories of past troubles and fear of the future create Dark spirits that follow people around, just waiting to cause trouble.   First-come can see Zenithians as pretentious and lacking respect
  • Zenithians always use family names, making it seem like they all think they are from the privileged class
  • Some Zenithians turn their noses up at alcohol, claiming their coffee drink is somehow spiritually superior
  • Zenithian CEOs demand the title of 'your highness', as if their business somehow makes them royalty
  Zenithians can see First-come as less educated and stuck in their ways
  • Most of the First-come were stuck on their planets, locked in back-waters until the Zenith arrived to reconnect the Third Horizon planets
  • Some First-come people drink too much alcohol, which brings out the animal in them (see the civilised society page for how insulting this is)
  • Sometimes the First-come slavishly follow the Icons rather than thinking for themselves

Strength through unity

  Whereas I want there to be a tension between the cultures, I'm not aiming to bring them to war over their differences. The simple truth is that they are one people from a single Arabian origin but whose subgroups see the wondrous variety of the Horizon through the slightly different lenses of their individual perspectives. Here then are the similarities that bind the peoples together.   First-come and Zenithian share the same pillars of civilised society
Both cultures revere the same set of Icons and have built their societies from the same tenets of civilisation: that people are intelligent and capable of great things. And they celebrate these things in the same ways, through story, dance and song. Moreover, both cultures place importance on family and human ties, creating those bonds that hold society together.   Everyone can easily get by in everyone else's worlds
The rite of hospitality is sacred across the Horizon. No matter whose campfire you find yourself at you know how to act, how to be polite, knowing not to consume to excess. Even if you don't share a langauge you still know what to expect and what's expected of you. Also, wherever you are, the same rules of haggling and bartering are used. Even if the niceties surrounding basic trading are different you would always know how to access to what you need to survive.   The rituals of daily life may have variations across the Horizon but come from the same root
Everyone is expected to show respect to all other humans; everyone should revere the Icons; and everyone should be trying to help all their fellows avoid the dangers that come from the Dark Between the Stars.   JUMP TO CONTENTS
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Cover image: arabesque by gloctor


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