The Origin Building / Landmark in THF Universe | World Anvil

The Origin

Precursor artifact of the Xadia Ancients.   The Oriign is named such because it is the machine that engineered the Banfranal race. Located on N.T.S. Dawn, this is the location of the origin of the Tranal Nomads. It is located in the center of one of the largest habitation modules of the ship. This allowed the banfranal to grow, eventually inhabiting the entire massive worldship.   This machine also has a gravitational wave neutraliser, which destroys all gravity on N.T.S. Dawn. Now, there is also a building nearby which serves as the central, capital building of the TN. This is where all the leaders of all fleets of the TN gather to make new laws and decisions that impact the entire TN. This room is located just 500 metres from The Origin itself, making that area of the ship very important. These 2 structures are some of the most famous ever built by the TN. It is possible to enter the Origin structure itself, its interior is easily accessible due to its door remaining open from when it let the first members from the banfranal out for the first time.
Monument, Large
Owning Organization


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