Sparks Physical / Metaphysical Law in THF Universe | World Anvil


A phenomenon that occurs near the radius of a Ghost Tether.   This looks like small, subtle discharges of electricity to anyone effected by sparks. Most ignore the phenomenon, but, contrary to popular belief, the phenomenon is not real. In the real world, nothing happens.   Sparks is a phenomenon resulting from the spiritual fallout that happens within the radii of ghost tethers. As such, all senses of all sentient beings regardless of species are effected very slightly. A light buzzing sound is typically heard, a sour taste is tasted, and the person feels colder.   Some might be enticed to locate the source, as the intensity of sparking increases as one approaches a ghost tether. This is because that person becomes curious. This is magnified in Suons due to their curious nature.   As a ghost tether has an invisible radius, the person might find themselves inside this radius. In this radius, Ghosts can have an impact on the material world and result in death. Additionally, the person might emerge from the tether radius as a completely different person, or even as a DID multi personality system as several souls fight over the same body.   Death within the radius of a ghost tether is particularly undesirable as the persons soul becomes trapped within it and never granted passage to the Void. Despite the efforts of the Hyperion Federation to persuade people on planets with ghost tethers such as Tebburus to never follow any sparking phenomena, there are always those who do anyway. Many of these are persuaded to stay outside by trained police or military personnel or cannot cross a large fence blocking their way put in pace for safety reasons. Very few breach these barriers, but it does happen.   Others are subsumed in an endless stream of mental influence resulting from the spiritual fallout. This can send a person mad.


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