Fleet Charm Military Formation in THF Universe | World Anvil

Fleet Charm

A military starfleet operated by the Hyperion Federation.It is named after the 'flavour; of quark, charmed quarks.   It is significant for its contributions to multiple wars such as the Cypher Hyperquasar Annihilator War and 2nd HM-HF war. During the latter, it managed to hold off against multiple waves of HEX Mainframe onslaughts directly after each other. Despite the overwhelming odds, Fleet Charm used its superior equipment to decieve HM starships many times, such as Electromagnetic Decoys, holograms and very powerful electronic warfare.   The HF fleet also had a significant morale advantage. At the time they had no route of escape, so fought incredibly hard to preserve their lives. As such, each HF starship ended up obtaining kill ratios massively in their favour and mostly survivinig the engagements. 2000 HF lives were lost, but earned almost 30 000 kills.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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