Eternity - Class Subterrene Vehicle in THF Universe | World Anvil

Eternity - Class Subterrene

A large, crewed subterrene as used by the Hyperion Federation  The Eternity - Class is armed with large sonic cannons able to target ground based threats. It can detect enemy subterrenes using a highly powerful active sonar device designed to send sound waves through solid rock. It can also fire guided subterranean torpedoes at surface targets or subterranean targets.   Powered by an Antimatter annihilation core, It is propelled by a large drill on the front and continually pushed downwards by a powerul photon thruster. Like all subterrenes it is slow, but can move.    To achieve a very deep crush depth of 30 km, it is very well armoured with TGX Composite and the drill motor has a huge torque because its coils have thousands of windings and powered by a several megavolt 3 phase energy source.   It serves an underground artillery role, continually striking surface forces with sonic cannons from much deeper than can be reasonably engaged.
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