Bowl of the Stars Item in THF Universe | World Anvil

Bowl of the Stars

A popular dish of Suon culture. This is a culturally significant dish, the bowl often being of a dark colour and featuring white painted dots representing stars. Furthermore, they would often gather a specific plant native to Tebburus known for growing leaves that have many small but bright bioluminescent spots.  Although the dish is less popular in modern times, it is still commonly seen in suon sociey. It is however far easier to obtain in modern times because of the existance of Replicators. Due to being comprised mainly of monopole matter, other species cannot properly digest it.


Initially conceptualieed during the Tebburus Unification War, the various populations thought that by obtaining the power of the stsrs, they could win any war. They made this dish to try to become closer to the stars. When the suons figured out what a star really is, though, this dish remained popular for traditional reasons, though less popular.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Owning Organization


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