Alti Emperor Rank/Title in THF Universe | World Anvil

Alti Emperor

The faction leader of the Alti Dominion. The emperor holds almost all political power of the dominion, but must constantly expand the borders of the dominion.


When an emperor dies, a designated successor assumes the throne for life. They must designate the next emperor. The elected successor can be changed depending on circumstances, e.g. he dies. When a new emperor is elected, a large festival is held. For most people, this presents a once in a lifetime opportunity to experience.


Expand the borders of the Alti Dominion


Expand the borders of the Alti Dominion


Political power. This power can be exploited for money income.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Should the emperor not successfully expand the borders of the dominion, the next successor will be appointed.
Civic, Political
Form of Address
Grand Lord
Source of Authority
The previous emperor
Length of Term
Until death
Past Holders
Related Organizations


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