Psychometry Spell in These, Our Broken Roads | World Anvil


Psychometry, sometimes also called Object Read, is the ability to gain information about persons by touching an object with which they have been in contact. Or, the talent could also be used to learn something of the history of a place or inanimate object: general impressions, use, user's personality, etc. This power does not detect magic.   One possible use is to determine a person's current location from a piece of their clothing or other possession. Psychometry may also be used to divine the history and/or properties of an object held by the psychic, perhaps to learn the age, powers, or the identity of an artifact's maker or owner. More advanced psychics are able to get rather detailed information, such as impressions on the subject's character, alignment, or state of mind. The psychic may also use this power to discover the object's purpose.   The power manifests in the psychic as images of isolated events of the owner of the object, which happened in the past. The most successful technique is to answer yes or no questions while feeling the object.   Psychometry cannot be used to divine the future. It works best when queries concern the present or the recent past. The further in the past that the event took place, the less detail that can be discerned, and the images that the psychic sees will grow exponentially fuzzier with time. If some other psychic power or magick is used to conceal the events, the result is likewise ambiguous.
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Cover image: These, Our Broken Roads


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