Psychic Powers in These, Our Broken Roads

Psionic Level

Psionic Level is the designation scientists try to give a particular psionic power some measure of power, effectiveness, and/or quality relative to other psychic powers. There is a lot of dispute in this area, and some claim that this scale outside of a particular taxonomic category is meaningless.

Psionic Level

  1. Category 1: Minuscule — an impressive trick, gives a slight edge — entertaining, but very few believe real
  2. Category 2: Minor — cognitive dissonance, gives an advantage — people question their senses/instruments
  3. Category 3: Major — formidable, gives serious power — people question either their sanity or the nature of reality
  4. Category 4: Superior — miraculous, major gamechanger — enough to start a religion and dumbfound scientists
  5. Category 5: Epic — epic — powerful enough to impact global events

World Codex

Skill Levels

Skill Level is a scale to describe the level of mastery a particular psychic has in a particular power. It is usually easier to master similar and complimentary powers. A psychic who excels in Healing, for example, may never develop beyond a novice level in pyrokinesis.

Skill Levels

  • touched - LOWEST
  • novice
  • skilled
  • master
  • expert
  • paragon - HIGHEST

Cover image: These, Our Broken Roads