Psionics Technology / Science in These, Our Broken Roads | World Anvil


The human brain is the organ in the body that consistently uses the most energy. In a combination of biology and physics still not understood by modern science, it creates more than just thought and memory, but an electromagnetic field also. Some theorists believe that the brain generates energy at certain wavelengths and amplitudes such that, by some unknown ability, can affect both biology and even the laws of physical reality itself. These few and mocked scientific theorists have called this science, psionics.

Those who study this field are regarded by the larger scientific community as frauds studying a pseudo-science.
There are some researchers who are getting close to discovering more about the nature of psionic energy, and a few of them who work for various agencies may have come up with a device to at least disrupt or nullify it.
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Psionics isn't something that behaves like an "on" and "off" switch in human beings. Psionic powers exist on a spectrum, and anyone on a point in that spectrum may be able to move along it. In some ways, it's like a skill, but in others, a talent. Dr. ████████ ██████████ used what is called the Baseball Analogy when he said, "Anyone can be taught how to throw, hit, and catch a baseball. But only a few have the natural talent to actually play professionally. Just a handful of these athletes make up the starting lineup of the New York Yankees."

On the other hand, even the most talented of psychics may not even know they have potential if they don't even know they have that potential. And having the potential may also be meaningless unless those skills and talents are honed and refined into an art.

See Category: Psionics

Cover image: These, Our Broken Roads


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