The Freehand Counties Organization in Thera | World Anvil

The Freehand Counties

The Grovan cities of Serferine. These are where most bandit groups get there start, and men live life more freely than under the orders thumb.


The 3 counties run themselves individually, and occasionally fight each other. But they have more in common than not, so the heads of each county try to make decisions together.

Public Agenda

The counties are trying to become as successful as the Serferine Kingdom.


The Freehand Counties were founded by the Cyning Bandit and warring bandit groups that he bought together.

Demography and Population



The Freehand Counties consist of Fahl County, Mountmend County & Burnberry County. Calanda and Wylvadun used to control Mountmend and Burnberry County respectively, but relinquished control. So even though they're still considered by most to be apart of the counties, they are legally separate.

Agriculture & Industry

There are lots of grain farms in the counties, second to that is there apairy's. Their is also the criminal element, lots of stolen things get found and sold here if you know where to look.

"We can always get a leg up, if we got a free hand"

Geopolitical, County / March
Alternative Names
Three Land Counties, 3 Hand Counties
Counts, Countymen
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities