Grovan Ethnicity in Thera | World Anvil


Grovans were the humans that arrived and tried to move into the grove which is elven territory. They later built Calanada, Wylvadun, the Freehand Counties and a few other towns west of the Grove. Grovans are typically lighter skinned and have green, blue or grey eyes. They're usually shorter than the Lanlu.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Female names are also abrupt but much softer. Names like Tui, Oma, Zoe, Pave and Lawy.

Masculine names

Male names are harsh as well but longer than that of female names. Darloc, Harlun, Gentuk, Udono and Qurwen.

Family names

Grovan names are sometimes harsh and and abrupt. Like Bilk, Vichl, Tehn and Oprin.


Major language groups and dialects


Shared customary codes and values

Grovans are incredibly self-reliant. They prefer to take on things or handle things personally than to require assistance. It's because of this their cities and townships are ruled with a very loose grip. The Mayors or as the locals call them the 'Tounsirs' practically let the places rule themselves.

Common Dress code

Grovan's borrowed a lot from the Elves, including their wardrobe. First they would try to fashion clothing out of bark like the elves did, but only to middling success. Then began using cotton with patterns that look like trees and twigs. Over time they added multiple figures of nature into their clothing. You'll very often see local designs stitched or woven into shirts or dresses.

Art & Architecture

Another area where they favor elves is in architecture, or their version of Elven homes. They could not replicate giant trees but they liked the idea of tall, circular buildings surrounded by plant life. So having two to three story buildings next to trees and bushes, walls being climbed by vegetation and vines criss-crossing above rooftop gardens is a Grovan staple.


Beauty Ideals

Grovan's find a sharp tongue and a cunning mind as attractive as any physical quality.

Major organizations