The City of Blackwind Settlement in Thera | World Anvil

The City of Blackwind

If it involves all sharks, the issue is brought here. Blackwind is the heart of the sands, and so anything that's important will be discussed in this city.


Only Sand-Shark's permanently live in Blackwind.


The Sharks have a timocracy and its members are known as the Stormtails. They chose 1 delegate from each major sand, and 1 delegate to represent all minor sands. Most laws for the sands are devised here are mostly followed by every region, exceptions can be made if a law is truly unpopular in a certain region. In this case as long as not following the law does not harm any others, or disrupt the economy or livelihood of other regions, it is allowed.


The city doesn't need defences, it's built underneath sand in a place where the heat is to much for most to handle.

Industry & Trade

  • The sharks find lots of work as mercenaries.
  • They sell homemade trinkets like seashells, and things found in the desert, they will also work as guides to the city.
  • The morally flexible sharks sell the sands to interested parties, or turn them into weapons before selling them. This is highly illegal.


Besides glass castles they have glass reefs, large aquariums, large roads so visitors can walk around. They have their own special set of armor and weapon-smiths, sewers and air pipes for non sharks.


Every building is built to look like a royal palace or at least apart of it. They even drawbridges, when there is absolutely no reason to have one. Everything is made of glass, so the inside is completely dark and has to be lit constantly for visitors to have any hope of seeing the place.


The city lies 120 feet below the sands. Unless you can see through the sand like the sharks can, you won't see much if your down there.

Natural Resources

The sharks capture and train Rhindogs. They are very good wardogs, and they use chameetle hides to fashion into wearable armor pieces.
Location under