Blackwind Geographic Location in Thera | World Anvil


The pitch black sands of the sharks scare away most people. They are fierce and seem unending to anyone caught unawares. But the sharks have a completely different description of the ordeal. The best way to imagine it is like looking into the throat of a dragon; hot, dark and lined with diamonds of fire. The diamonds that they are referring to are the plants you seeing growing out in the sands. In the sun they are dull, grey blotches. Jutting out unwanted into your field of vision. - Excerpt from Rounding the Circle and Beyond.


Blackwind is one of the places where you wont see much for miles. Just soft mounds of black sand dunes circling you constantly. Being located in the middle of a desert will do that to you. Everything there is to see is hidden below.

Fauna & Flora

  1. Chameetles
  2. Gorrilions
  3. Chomodo
  4. Basilcats
  5. Roadtoad
  6. Meeracal
  7. Hammerbeak
  8. Torton
  9. Camala
  10. Grosstrich
  11. Kangeetah
  12. Rhindog
  13. Raccarin
  14. Molochorn
  15. Mowls
  16. Polm
  17. Peckerants

Natural Resources

  • Sand, used to build homes, forge weapons, and armor.
  • Chameetles - insects used to create armor
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Included Locations