Drusaderi Ethnicity in Thera | World Anvil


"Leaving was not what we wanted, but it's what was done. Our smoldering homes gives us hope they died fighting but..it's...probably best not to ponder. What was once just an expansion has become an exodus. And we must save our people. Losing so many..Fighting.. I can't see the point of throwing our own to the dream. We will find a way"   Words that the Drusaderi have fully taken to heart. The Drusaderi were part of the original Orsai kingdom that held Orcs, Trolls, Goblins and Ogres together as one. They began as a crew consisting of mostly Trolls and Goblins that would scout an area before sending the Ogres to clear it of any dangers. Trolls were well known for their Magical affinity and Goblins were second to them, but Goblins were better scouts thanks to their smaller frames.But their time as members of the kingdom are gone.   After seeing their home destroyed, they turned away. Their sister ships full of Ogres were furious, almost foaming at the mouth, angrily screaming at them to turn back and get revenge, but they refused. The time spent on the waves were rough enough. But with the Ogres getting colder day by day, they began to worry. By the time they both arrived on the shores, all kinship was gone. Cold shoulders turned to barbs, barbs turned to harsh insults, insults to screaming matches, screaming to fights and fights escalated to war.   This led the Drusaderi down to the path of who they are now. The path that created Silmay Windfire. Even though Silmay's solution couldn't last, it inspired the Drusaderi to continue experimentation. Necromancy became their favored option. Simple reanimated corpses were easily dispatched by the Barbacks, and if they couldn't land a killing spell fast enough. They knew they'd be one of the corpses. They began using the dead Barbacks, which was a significant step up but not enough. This is when they finally thought to innovate. They weaved together necromantic spells and blood magic. They were able to revive the warriors as if they were still alive, retaining their minds but unable to think in any other way other than to serve.   Now since that time they have become the foremost authority on Necromancy. They realized they had only Barback and Drusaderi corpses, both of which their enemy knew how to fight well. They now needed new combatants who were unknown to their enemy. They started sending out spies in the world, paying gravediggers huge sums of money to secure the bodies of legendary fighters, good, evil, knights, bandits, dragons, giants, monsters, or beasts. They also began investigating gossip and tales. Anyone strong enough to have stories or ballads written about them had there names put in a book and kept tabs on. Now the Drusaderi have a force which might seem small, but they grow each year. Each warrior adding significant strength to their army and a new thorn in the Barbacks side.


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