Arith Geographic Location in Thelekar | World Anvil


Arith is one of the 3 discovered continents of Thelekar, falling to the east of Ardina and southwest of the island Aradice. It has been ravaged by war, losing many miles of land to the sea as mighty battles have been fought along its coastline. During the Age of Swords, many kingdoms call Arith their home, and many are constantly at each other's throats over small spits of land and cities such as Hraldi's Brace. Some of Thelekar's greatest natural wonders such as the Tarrastov Forest and the Voletarian Mountains are found here, drawing researchers and scholars from across the planet to study the incredible landscape. Though Arith is connected to Greater Heima by over three thousand miles of mountainous terrain, the two are not considered one continent.
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