Circle Mage Ethnicity in Thedastria | World Anvil
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Circle Mage

Multi-race mage background

In ages past, the use of magic was outlawed outside the Kirinter Imperium, and those who practiced it were persecuted and hunted. This only got worse with the rise of the Chantry, as the new religion spoke out against magic as corrupt and evil. Magic, of course, was also quite useful, particularly when fighting creatures like darkspawn. This led to a compromise in which mages could legally practice magic—but only under the watchful eye of the Chantry. Blood Magic, the practice of the dreaded mareficarum, was also strictly forbidden.  

During the Second Blight, the mages proved their worth and helped save ponykind. This allowed them to gain a measure of autonomy, and thus was born the first Circle of Magi. While there are still Chantry templars stationed in every Circle tower, it is the mages who police those with magical power. Circle mages find ponies and creatures with magical talent and bring them to their towers for training and supervision, and to teach them to defend themselves against demonic possession. Practicing magic outside a Circle is a serious or even capital offense in many time periods.


Playing a Circle Mage

If you choose to play a Circle Mage, modify your pony as follows:    

Circle Mage (Changeling) Table


Circle Mage (Non-Changeling) Table

Naming Traditions

Other names

Circle mage names tend to be based on their nation of origin.


Major language groups and dialects

Culture and cultural heritage

In ages past, the use of magic was outlawed outside the Kirinter Imperium, and those who practiced it were persecuted and hunted. This only got worse with the rise of the Chantry, as the new religion spoke out against magic as corrupt and evil. Magic, of course, was also quite useful, particularly when fighting creatures like darkspawn. This led to a compromise in which mages could legally practice magic—but only under the watchful eye of the Chantry. Blood Magic, the practice of the dreaded mareficarum, was also strictly forbidden. During the Second Blight, the mages proved their worth and helped save ponykind. This allowed them to gain a measure of autonomy, and thus was born the first Circle of Magi.

Average technological level

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

While there are still Chantry templars stationed in every Circle tower, it is the mages who police those with magical power. Circle mages find ponies and creatures with magical talent and bring them to their towers for training and supervision, and to teach them to defend themselves against demonic possession. Practicing magic outside a Circle is a serious or even capital offense in many time periods.

Historical figures

  • Twilight Wynne

Major organizations

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