Chapter 2: The Goragrax Complication Report in Thedas | World Anvil
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Chapter 2: The Goragrax Complication

I Have a Sense of Impending Doom

General Summary

With the Lyrium deposits destroyed, everyone is ready to receive their payment and leave this dingy little town. However, when returning to the surface they find that Goragrax tower has been abandoned and the other half of their copper is missing. Asking around leads them to The Bank of Bahamut, where they learn that Morrash has fled to Heatherbrook and that Jessica is missing. After spending some time gaining intel and chatting with the locals they find that Morrash has fled into the temple in the heart of Heatherbrook. However, they are too late as the corpse of Morrash lies on the floor motionless in front of Kanorae and Kara sitting atop their thrones. Kanorae encapsulates herself in a cloud of shimmery, silver dust, while Kara is knocked unconscious with her life in the hands of Hastur, Jothurn, and Ajna.

Rewards Granted

Elven artifact
4 headed dragon amulet- found while graverobbing, seems similar to the Goragrax symbol
Dark satin blue cloak
1 silver

Character(s) interacted with

Kanorae- A Muscular Dragonborn with no tail
Kara- A Thin Dragonborn with a tail
Fingar- A well-kept dwarf running the Bank of Baphomet in Stormbay
Honeydew(Dwarven), Greg(Human), and Sabrina(Elven)- Three adventurers hunting a monster in the vicinity,
Caleb- A 4-year old Tiefling boy who has a fear of Vampires
Jenevire- Caleb's mom
Xephos- Dragonborn guard who is able to help the group sneak into the temple
Report Date
25 Jul 2020
Primary Location

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