Chapter 1: Another Chance Report in Thedas | World Anvil
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Chapter 1: Another Chance

Can these heroes right the wrongs of the past or will they suffer the same fate.

General Summary

On the western shore of Lake Celestine , paths intertwine in the market square in the city of Stormbay. Before they can get accustomed to their dreary surroundings, a seismic event causes Darkspawn to erupt to the surface. Descending into the chasm only reveals more creatures and a large deposit of Red Lyrium. Deciding it best to regroup and figure out what is going on the party heads to Goragrax tower. Morrash Goragrax, a Dragonborn, leads the town and is desperate for help with the Darkspawn issue. Not wanting to put the town in any more danger he sends Jothurn, Hastur, and Ajna down into the mines to destroy the Lyrium at its source. Within the darkness of the mines, the group discovers a large beast awaiting them. Dispatching the beast raises more questions than answers as, within its pockets, a bronze amulet with three dragon heads, which is known to be the symbol of the Goragrax clan.

Rewards Granted

15 copper as upfront payment for destroying the Lyrium within the mines.

Character(s) interacted with

Morrash Goragrax- Leader of Stormbay
Bellward- A human woman who is prejudiced toward Elves
 Jessica- The elven assistant who works in Goragrax Tower 
Fuck You- a Dragonborn who enjoys spending time at the tavern


The Goragrax clan symbol is a Dragon with 3 heads.
Report Date
20 Jun 2020
Primary Location

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