Chapter 11: Commander of the Grey Report in Thedas | World Anvil
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Chapter 11: Commander of the Grey

General Summary

Time is ticking for the party to find clues about the kidnapping and The Inquisition before the entirety of The Storm Coast is put on lockdown. Prosper De Monfort believes that the kidnapping of Marquis Pellantaise was an inside job and will keep everyone in place till he knows the truth. Jorthun learns from Lord Basile Maron that the Marquis was a collector from Rivain attempting to buy an artifact from Prosper, but before they could question him further, Xephos urges them to leave before the gates close. They quickly grab their horses and make their way to Fraggle Rock, leaving the rest of the town oblivious to the evening’s events.

Passing through Straithwick they see the town is having a funeral ceremony and are joined by a few unfamiliar faces. A small group of Grey Wardens has been hired by Judith till more permanent guards can arrive. Grey Wardens are usually only armored up during The Blights, so seeing them here catches the party a little off guard. One of the Wardens, Ohgren, seems to have a hatred towards Jothurn though no one seems to know why. Saying their goodbyes, the party finally heads home to relax after a long night of riding. However, when they return, they find a squadron of Highwaymen lying dead on the floor, each having a crossbow bolt piercing their corpse. They learn of someone named Scout Harding and the return of Janthony (who once again, makes off with another truckle of cheese).

After a good night’s sleep, a woman is awaiting them at the door of Fraggle Rock, eyes full of tears. Her son went hunting a few days ago and hasn’t returned and she is willing to offer her life savings, about 12 gold, to find him. The party declines her offer of a reward but takes the job out of the good of their heart. They are able to find some tracks but there are a lot more of them and one set is particularly large. They find a small alcove in the woods with not only Highwaymen but also an armored Venitori and strange blighted wolves. During the ensuing fight, one of the men escapes deeper into the forest leaving the party to scavenge the camp looking for more information. They follow a trail of blood through the thick foliage of the forest only to find a large encampment at the base of the hill. They hope that the boy is still alive, but even if he isn’t, it's going to be one hell of a fight.

Character(s) interacted with

Magistrate Xephos
  Lord Basile Maron (Jorthun's ally)
  Warden-Commander Amera (Commander of the Grey)
Warden-Recruit Rina (Elven Apostate) 
Ohgren (Dwarf with a disliking towards Jorthun)
Susan Bisharp (Missing boys mom)

Created Content

Report Date
18 May 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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