Nevarra Organization in Thedas | World Anvil
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Seat of the Maker

Nevarra is a nation in central Thedas: West of the Free Marches, South of the Tevinter Imperium, and Northeast of Orlais. It was originally one of the larger Free Marches city-states before it expanded rapidly to become a nation proper following the Second Exalted March. Being the most devoutly religious nation, it serves as the capital nation of the Chantry.  


Nevarra used to rely upon royal dynasties and lineages. This was true during both Tevinter and Free Marcher reign. When they left the Free Marches to become their own nation, they converted to a theocracy. The person of greatest import to the nation is also the leader of the Chantry. This title is known as the Divine and is currently held by Justinia V.   Towns and large cities regularly have gatherings where verses from the Chant of Light are discussed. Many propose their own interpretations and learn from the speakings of others.   Nevarra is able to so self-sufficient due its prime location. It's a resource-rich nation with abundant access to metals, clothing, livestock, and fertile crop lands. Having strong, active relations with Orlais and the Free Marches, Nevarra actively trades with both.  

Culture and Society

Nevarra is well renowned for its art and religion. The whole country is filled with artistry, from the statues of heroes that litter the streets in even the smallest of villages to the glittering golden College of Magi. Much of the art depicts events from religious texts and are sold for great deals of money.   What ties this nation's people together is their devout faith towards the Maker and their unwavering belief in the Chantry. Those who live in this country live by strict codes and tenants, but find themselves in the company of like-minded folk.   Nevarra City in particular engages in numerous religious and cultural festivities throughout the year. During the summer and spring, annual events are held where Nevarrans can partake in shows of speed, strength, and endurance. During the autumn and winter, monster hunts are held to purify their lands.   Many larger cities attract pilgrims where they can walk the route that Andraste walked during the First Exalted March.   Ladybugs are considered prized in Nevarra, and many households keep them in small cages for good luck.  

Mages and Death

Mages of Nevarra hold great amounts of political power with respect to mages in other countries. This is because they must pledge themselves to the Maker, and misuse will result in "fates far worse than death".   One belief that has been carried down since the days of the Tevinter's occupation is one's connection to the Fade. They believe that when a dead soul crosses the Fade, it displaces a Fade spirit. Thus, an abomination or demon is brought into the world. To get around this, they mummify their corpses and place them in elaborate crypts in the Grand Necropolis. This task is entrusted to a secretive order of mages known as Mortalisi. Because Mortalisi rarely leave Nevarra, their practices are shrouded in mystery and fear.   Mages here are usually quite intellectual, though they spend more of their time understanding the Maker's strange omens rather than studying the physical world.  


Nevarra was originally land owned by the Tevinter Imperium. It was that way until the Andraste and Maferath led the First Exalted March north through these lands. The Tevinter Lord who ruled over these lands, Hector, converted to their cause and joined their march. He quickly became one of Andraste's most loyal followers.   Following Maferath's betrayal of Andraste to the Tevinter, the First Exalted March effectively came to an end. Not long after, Maferath brought his remaining men to the land that is now known as the Free Marches. The large nation broke into mostly small cities or villages, with few exceptions: the massive city states Starkhaven, Kirkwall, and Nevarra. Of Maferath's army, those who were Andraste's most devoted followers started their lives anew in the lands of Nevarra. Even to this day, many families still trace some lineage back to ancestors who participated in the march.   Having a strong strategic position, both Orlais and the Tevinter Imperium lead many bloody campaigns to take back these lands from the Free Marches. Despite being quite far from the other two city-states, many Free Marchers felt it their duty to take up arms with their national brethren. These campaigns continued for centuries over, however these lands were never lost.   When the Second Exalted March occurred, Nevarrans stood by and watched. Even when Orlais began occupying the Dales, Nevarrans saw no reason to intervene. At this time, the Orlesian Empress Delphine Valmont had attempted to create a lasting peace with Nevarra. She was childless at the time and her advisers believed that if she were to wed Nevarran senate leader Sotan Pentaghast, that their child would create some union between the two nations. Pentaghast was unable to impregnate the Empress, so the Empress found a new lover and secretly had a child with him. She claimed it was Pentaghast's. Nevarrans found out and responded extremely poorly.   At the end of the Second Exalted March, Orlais occupied the Dales and had committed genocide on the Dalish elves. Nevarran generals had rallied the populace to overthrow the Pentaghast monarchy, drawing many outsiders to their lands. Nevarran leadership petitioned to the rest of the Free Marches for their city-state to become its own nation, separate from the Free Marches. The leaders of the Kirkwall and Starkhaven happily agreed to this, so long as relations between the two nations stayed strong. Nevarra happily agreed. This decision still startles historians, even to this day. Many believe that the agreement was made as a taunt at Orlesian's cruel, tyrannical nature.   A century or so after Nevarra became its own nation, Orlesian royalty felt it could no longer ignore this growing power. Knowing that hostilities had been present amongst the two nations for centuries, a young Emperor Michele Valmont extended an offer to this newly birthed nation. For the longest time, Orlais had been the nation capital of the Chantry. She wished to pass that title to the Nevarrans in a show of diplomacy. In a small village along Nevarra's Southern border, the Nevarran Accords were signed. This agreement made it such that the title of the Divine was given to a Nevarran who resided in that nation, but the title of Grand Cleric would still be owned by an Orlesian.   This happened many centuries ago and Nevarra has been held as the uncontested religious capital of the world ever since.
Nevarra [Nation]
Geopolitical, Theocracy
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Divine Gulders
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Traditions
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
Related Myths

Location: Central Thedas
Capital: Nevarra City


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