The Emerald Tablet of the Order
This megalith shall ever be engraved into your minds, for you are the Art, and the Art is you.One of the last remnants that are left of the ancient Order of the Art is the Emerald Tablet of the Order. This large rectangular megalith constructed out of pure emerald is completely covered in Sylvan writing, an outline of the six tenets of the Order of the Art. In short, all of these tenets point to the different characteristics of the Art, Arcane Alchemy, and why it should be studied and protected by the Order.~ Opening Remarks of The Emerald Tablet of the Order
The Emerald Tablet of the Order serves to show the importance, potential, and place of arcane alchemy. It is the ten commandments of the Order of the Art and makes up their major beliefs and views toward the Wraith Globe as a whole.