The Red Desert Geographic Location in The World Within Walls | World Anvil
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The Red Desert

One of the twin deserts of Maraal, the Red Desert lies west of The Serpent's Crossing. Though there are fewer natural hazards within the Red Desert than there are in The Melted Desert, its "twin", the inhabitants make this desert a deadly place for outsiders. Despite this, going through the Red Desert is the primary trading and traveling route for people from the Melted Desert, the cities of Aithrol, Minir , and Agratur, and the people of The Crystal Warrens.


Home to fewer natural dangers than its twin, the Red Desert is said to be a desert with beautiful rock formations, dunes that drift throughout the area over the year, and beautiful oases. While the Red Desert lacks the glass formations and molten oases of the Melted Desert it does have sand seas as well as oases.

Natural Resources

While lacking the abundance of natural glass and diamonds, the Red Desert more than makes up for it in gems and minerals.
Alternative Name(s)
The Desert of Blood
Location under
Included Organizations
Related Myths


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