Aretmi in The World of Velen | World Anvil


The Goddess of the Hunt

Aretmi is the huntress, the horse rider. She is most popular among the nomadic steppe people, where she is also known as the horse goddess. She is the embodiment of the predator and prey of the world, the sheep and the wolves. She is also associated with the wilderness, the untouched, and the virgin.  


Those most dedicated to her may honor her by practicing what she values the most, a life of hunting and roaming the wild, seeking like-minded people, and forming a tribe. Many already live in such a way, because they are born into a tribe. The values of such a path are bravery, respect for one's self and the world you live in, as well as being a chaste and modest person, since humility is required in order to have true wisdom. Giving in to base indulgence is considered a shameful weakness among the followers of Aretmi, and such people are shunned, especially when they do not seek to improve themselves, determined to mire in self-pity and shameful ineptitude. Besides these things, honour and integrity are Aretmi's defining characteristics, courage is a gift that brings honour, but is not required for someone to be honourable.  


Due to most of her followers being nomadic, there are few temples dedicated to her worship, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. More common are shrines to her power, made from the leftovers of hunted prey, always in combination with rock structures, that eventually become overgrown with moss. Such old shrines might become a place for her followers to return to, to leave more gifts, bones of slain prey, or felt beasts. Those who encounter one of these shrines for the first time might add a rock from nearby to the structure, as their way of honouring such a place of devotation. This tradition dictates that the newer shrines start small, but grow bigger and more complex over time.  


Aretmi's knife is a simple, well-worn, but ultimately in pristine condition-looking hunting knife. It will never go dull or wear down. It is sharper than any other blade in the world, as well as being made of the rare grey metal, steel.   There is also the pendant of the wild. It is a tooth in a round bronze pendant, decorated with intricate vines in an indistinguishable pattern, which hangs from a silver chain. This pendant can inspire fear, meekness, and even obedience in wild animals. It works better the smarter the animal is, but in theory, it works on all animals. Somehow it works less well on domesticated livestock such as cows and sheep.


Aretmi the huntress is a goddess of perseverance, strength and modesty. What she values the most is pride through effort chastity for the unwed, and survival when deserved. She has little tolerance for the weak and the meek. She may give her strength for the hunter, strong and dedicated, speed for the hunted, unafraid and hopeful, and shelter for the virgin, determined to guard her honor. She cares little about people who lack self respect, since those are not worth respecting, but might greatly reward those who prove themselves worthy.


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